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Friday, March 16, 2012

Blog has moved to ---->

This post can now be read at HERE

The start of this week was like a nightmare for me. Whole family was down with flu and I had the fever that is probably the highest ever of my entire life at 40.5 C (~ 106 F).

Anyway, surviving that was easier compared to the aftermaths of this health problem that forced me to stay in bed and inadvertently deal with office mails at home on a non-IE browser with Lite version which is crap and makes you feel miserable enough to kill yourself.

So the option I had was to either boot windows on a virtual machine or find a solution within linux. Obviously, I prefer the latter and was glad to work out a solution that can help me avoid booting windows.

I have listed below the steps I followed to achieve this, though in all honesty the documentation is quite good on sourceforge site itself. It's just that some of their screenshots are dated and in French (literally, no pun intended).

Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog has moved to ---->

In order to display code in a box on my blog, I use the code that I found on the following link:

With thanks to David Thomas who has posted the original code on stackoverflow, presented below are steps to enable the code to appear in block.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog has moved to ---->

This post can now be read at HERE

If you read my last post you will know I have been playing with Bodhi Linux lately. One of the selling point for this distro is it's minimalistic approach. However, that also means it doesn't come with some of the media packages that help stream all type of media - stagevu (DivX) included.

Fortunately it does not require lot of effort to get them all working. At-least for me it was quite quick.

The steps I followed are listed below:

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